How to fill blank cells with value above in Excel?
When we set up data in Excel, we always leave a blank cell if the data for that cell is the same as the cell above. For example, I have a worksheet such as the following screenshot:
This form looks neater and nicer if there is just one header row instead of lots of repeated rows. But this also can cause some problems, we can’t use such features as Excel SUBTOTLES or Excel Pivot Tables. In this case, we need to fill the blank cells. Here are some tricks to fill blank cells with value above in Excel.
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Using a formula to fill blank cells with value above
With this method, please do as the following steps:
1. Select the range that contains blank cells you need to fill.
2. Click Home > Find & Select > Go To Special…, and a Go To Special dialog box will appear, then check Blanks option. See screenshot:
3.Click OK, and all of the blank cells have been selected. Then input the formula “=A2” into active cell A3 without changing the selection. This cell reference can be changed as you need. See screenshot:
4. Press Ctrl + Enter, Excel will copy the respective formula to all blank cells. See screenshot:
5. At this point, the filled contents are formulas, and we need to convert the formals to values. Then select the whole range, right-click to choose Copy, and then press Ctrl + Alt + V to active the Paste Special… dialog box. And select Values option from Paste, and select None option from Operation. See screenshot:
6.Then click OK. And all of the formulas have been converted to values.
Using VBA code to fill blank cells with value above
The following brief VBA code also can help you to finish this task. Please do as follows:
1. Select the range you want to fill the blank cells.
2. Click Developer > Visual Basic, a new Microsoft Visual Basic for applications window will be displayed, click Insert > Module, and input the following code into the Module:
Sub Fill_Blank_Cells()
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
End Sub
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
End Sub
3. Then click
button to run the code. And the blank cells will be filled with the value above.
Note: If there is no value above the blank cells, the blank cells will be filled with the number 0.
Kutools for Excel -- Quickly fill blank cells with value above
With the help of Kutools for Excel, you can fill the blank cells with value above quickly and conveniently.
Kutools for Excel: with more than 120 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days. Get it Now
After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as follows:
1. Select the range that you want to fill the blank cells. And click Kutools > Insert Tools > Fill Blank Cells. See screenshot:
2. In the Fill Blank Cells dialog box, Click Based on values from Fill with, and check Down from Options. See screenshot:
3. Then click OK or Apply. And all of the blank cells have been filled with the value above. See screenshots:
Notes: The Fill Blank Cell is a multifunctional tool not only can fill blank cells with value above, but also can fill blank cells with the following forms:
1. Fill blank cells based on values, you can fill down, fill up, fill right and fill left.
2. Fill blank cells based on linear values, you can fill linear value from top to bottom, or from left to right.
3. Fill blank cells with fixed value, such as 0.
You can know more about this Fill Blank Cells feature from here.
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The following tools will greatly save your time and effort, which one do you prefer?
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Classic Menu for Office: Bring back familiar menus to Office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 365, as if it were Office 2000 and 2003.
Office Tab: Using handy tabs in your Office, as the way of Chrome, Firefox and New Internet Explorer.
Kutools for Excel: 120 powerful new functions for Excel, Increase your productivity in 5 minutes. Save two hours every day!
Classic Menu for Office: Bring back familiar menus to Office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 365, as if it were Office 2000 and 2003.
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Any suggestions? Thanks.
Step 1 - Inert a coloumn in suceeding the coloumn in which you want to fill the blanks ie. in the above example, after the A coloumn.
Step 2 - In the Cell(B2) enter the text 'QUE001'. YOu can copy paste the text (or) use the '=' formula.
Step 3 - enter this formula in the Cell(B3)ie. the next unfilled cell - =+IF(A3=$A$4,B2,A3).
Step 4 - Just copy paste this formula in the subsequent cells
step 5 - paste special the values in the 'B' coloumn
Just using IF(A3="",B2,A3) on the newly inserted duplicate column preceding the original column, did the trick!
Hello,Please contact me at jaychivo#extend Please replace # with @.
I used the A2 approach, and solved a big file consisting of many empty cells.
How do I get KUtools in my excel? Download is displaying "exe.file not valid"
Thanks for assistance.
1 12345678 HP 50
2 DP 70
3 11112222 HS 20
4 DS 30
Basically i want to display
12345678 (in one cell) and in next cell (HP-50; DP-70)
11112222 (in one cell) and in next cell (HS-20; DS-30)
i m coping the data from pivot table, so there can be a possibility that in column A i can 33334444 and in B it can have 4 items (meaning HP, DV, JC, AB and so forth) and in C there will be corresponding values. Let me know if this can be doable
You can do it the same way you fill from top to bottom using GoTo special blanks. Highlight the area as you normally would, then GoTo special blanks. The GoTo blank function default is to activate the upper most blank cell in your highlighted area. You don't want this cell activated if you've got blanks beneath it followed by data that you want to fill upward. So, once you have your blanks highlighted simply press the control key and while depressed, use your mouse and click on the first blank cell above the data you want to fill upward. Then enter "=" (w/out quotes) and arrow down to select the data you want to fill upward. I just tested this on an entire column of data, and it worked like a charm.
Thanks once It really lot of time for me....
hot fill in one one column only
please help me
Mac alternative and the tutorial to use the Data format Factory
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Thx for this! Ran the macro and it worked smoothly! Saved me tons of time..thanks!!
I guess will have to do a loop macro.
Thanks for taking the time to publish the tips.